begin parameters k1 1 # Rate that cyclin is produced V21 0.005 # Rate that APC(c~OFF) degrades cyclin V22 0.25 # Rate that APC(c~ON) degrades cyclin k3 .005 # Rate that Cyclin and Cdk combine to form MPF V251 .017 # Rate that PreMPF becomes MPF in the presence of Cdc25(c~U) V252 .17 # Rate that PreMPF becomes MPF in the presence of Cdc25(c~P) Vwee1 .01 # Rate that MPF becomes PreMPF in the presence of Wee1(c~P) Vwee2 1 # Rate that MPF becomes PreMPF in the presence of Wee1(c~U) ka .02 # Cdc25 phosphorylation product formation rate with MPF Ka .1 # Cdc25 phosphorylation dissociation constant with MPF kb .1 # Cdc25 dephosphorylation product formation rate Kb 1 # Cdc25 dephosphorylation dissociation constant kc .13 # Active APC product formation rate with IE-P Kc .01 # Active APC dissociation rate with IE-P kd .13 # Inactive APC product formation rate with IE-U Kd 1 # Inactive APC dissociation rate with IE-P ke .02 # Wee1 dephosphorylation product formation rate with MPF Ke .1 # Wee1 dephosphorylation dissociation constant with MPF kf .1 # Wee1 phosphorylation product formation rate Kf 1 # Wee1 de phosphorylation dissociation constant kg .02 # IE phosphorylation product formation rate with MPF Kg .01 # IE phosphorylation dissociation constant with MPF kh .15 # IE dephosphorylation product formation rate Kh .01 # IE dephosphorylation dissociation constant TotCdk 100 TotCdc25 1 TotWee1 1 TotIE 1 TotAPC 1 PPase 1 init_cyclin 0 init_MPF 0 init_preMPF 0 init_cdc25p 0 init_wee1p 0 init_iep 1 init_APCon 1 zero 0 end parameters begin molecule types end molecule types begin seed species end seed species begin reaction rules end reaction rules begin observables Molecules Tot_Cyclin Cyclin(deg~n) MPF(cyclin,cdk~1P) MPF(cyclin,cdk~2P) Molecules Cyclin Cyclin(deg~n) Molecules Wee1P Wee1(c~P) Molecules Cdc25P Cdc25(c~P) Molecules IEP IE(c~P) Molecules APCon APC(c~ON) Molecules MPF MPF(cyclin,cdk~1P) Molecules Cdk Cdk() Molecules preMPF MPF(cyclin,cdk~2P) end observables generate_network({overwrite=>1,check_iso=>1,max_iter=>25,}); simulate_ode({t_end=>500,n_steps=>250,atol=>1e-12,rtol=>1e-12,sparse=>0});