News and Events




New Grants, Awards, and Accolades

More information coming soon.

New Collaborations and Partnerships

The Elementary Leadership Project has just completed a year-long inquiry project. Please see the teachers' presentations here.

Recent publications by ILS staff and affiliated faculty

Avidon, E., ed.  Stories of Impact. Berkeley CA: National Writing Project. (in press).

Conference and Media Presentations by ILS Staff and Affiliate Faculty 2010-2012

Allison, P. Ambassador for Connected Learning. National Writing Project Webinars. May - June 2012.

Allison, P. Teachers Teaching Teachers. A Weekly Webcast on Education and Technology, featuring panels of teachers and researchers, available for download on and Youtube.

Allison, P. “Reading the Research: Ethical Dimensions of Writing Online.” National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. November 2010.

Allison, P. (with Suzie Boss, Edutopia, and Katherine Schulten, NY Times). “Ripped from the Headlines: Real Events Yield Relevant Projects.” International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Philadelphia, PA. June 2011.

Allison, P. “Youth Voices: Teaching Students How to Engage in Random Acts of Commenting Kindness.” Educon 4.2. Philadelphia, PA. January 2012.

Allison, P. “Youth Voices.” MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Conference. San Francisco, CA. March 2012.

Allison, P. Cherry, C., Nordlinger, J. & Sloan, C. “Connected Learning with Youth Voices.” NWP Radio. June 2012.

Allison, P. & Raffaele, G. (with Barry Joseph, Global Kids). “Taking Gaming to the Next Level.” National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. November 2010.

Altabet, M. & DeSimone, A. “Great Tasks & More! (6-12).” New York City Mathematics Project 21st Annual Conference: Problem Solving No Problem! Lehman College. Bronx, NY. March 2012.

Avidon, E., Schmidt, T., Wolfe, M., & Yood, J. “Guidelines for Upper-Division Writing-Intensive Courses.” Day-long workshop for Lehman faculty, Lehman College. Bronx, NY. May 2011.

Bellacero, C. & Giorgi, D. Panelists. 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress Writing Achievement Levels Setting Conference. New York, NY. February 2012.

Bellacero, J. “Developing Curriculum to Align to CCLS.” Gotham School for Professional Arts. Brooklyn, NY. March -May 2012.

Bellacero, J. “Disciplinary Literacy: What is the Difference?” Hudson Valley Writing Project. New Paltz, NY. March 2012.

Bellacero, J. “Establishing a Socially Just Classroom.” Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY. February 2012.

Bellacero, J. “Reading and Writing in the Disciplines.” National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. March 2012.

Bellacero, J. “Preparing Students for Academic Argument.” Literacy Design Collaborative/NWP Summer Institute. Park City, UT. August 2012.

Bellacero, J. "Workshop Series on Writing Across the Curriculum for OACE Principals." NYCDOE Office of Adult & Continuing Education. New York, NY. March - May 2012.

Bellacero, J. & Giorgi, D. “Literacy Design Collaborative Process.” Empire State Writing Project Network. Albany, NY. September 2011 and June 2012.

Bellacero, J. & Gordon, E. “Common Core Learning Standards and Text Complexity.” Harvey Milk High School. New York, NY. April 2012.

Bellacero, J., Gordon, E., Higgins, J. & Koffler-Wise, A. “Making Arguments from Artifacts.” William Cullen Bryant High School. Queens, NY. November 2011.

Bellacero, J. & Jack-Vilmar, L. “Writing-to-Learn Strategies for Pre-Service Teachers.” Workshop presented at the CUNY Gear Up/MGI workshop series. November 2010.

Bellacero, J. & Koffler-Wise, A. “The Argument Essay/Research Project: Making It Our Own.” William Cullen Bryant High School. Queens, NY. January 2012.

Bellacero, J. & Wasserman, P. “Workshop Series: Writing with Adult Learners.” NYCDOE Office of Adult & Continuing Education. New York, NY. November 2011- April 2012.

Connaughton, B. “Teaching Writing in a GED Classroom.” Hostos Community College Annual GED Day. Bronx, NY.  February 2012.

Ellowitch, A. “Advisement and College Counseling.” CUNY's Annual College Transitions Conference. Hostos Community College, Bronx, NY. May 6, 2011.

Espinosa, C. “Reading the Research in Early Childhood Literacy Development.” National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. November 2010.

Giorgi, D. “Assessment for Learning: Reading Our Classrooms, Setting Instructional Goals.” Newcomers High School. Queens, NY. December 2011.

Giorgi, D. “Building Student Accountability through the Teacher-Student Feedback Loop.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. June 2012.

Giorgi, D. “Common Core Learning Standards (Overview, Reading Informational Text, Writing Argument).” Newcomers High School. Queens, NY. September 2011.

Giorgi, D. “Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. September - December 2011.

Giorgi, D. “Literacy in the Common Core: Engaging with a World of Text.” Newcomers High School. Queens, NY. March - May 2012.

Giorgi, D. “Lunch and Learn: Upcoming Portfolio Presentations; Collaborative Learning Structures and Strategies.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. January 2012.

Giorgi, D. “Reading Our Classrooms, Setting Instructional Goals and Assessing Outcomes.” Newcomers High School. Queens, NY. April - May 2012.

Giorgi, D. “Revision of ESL ‘R’ and ‘T’Class Curriculum Summaries to Reflect a Sequential Learning Progression of Target Skills Across Literacy Domains. Newcomers High School.” Queens, NY. March - May 2012.

Giorgi, D. “School Quality Review Prep; Common Core Learning Standards/Literacy through Content Areas—IFL Patterned Way of Reading, Writing, and Talking.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. January 2012.

Giorgi, D. “Self-Assessment of Classroom Environment and Use of Physical Space in Math Classrooms.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. March 2012.

Giorgi, D. “Taking Stock of Skills: What Did We Set Out to Do? Where Are We Now? Where Do We Need to Go?” Newcomers High School. Queens, NY. January 2012

Giorgi, D. “The Reading-Writing Connection: Using Writing to Help Our Students Become Active Readers.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. October 2011.

Giorgi, D. “Using Visual Text to Sharpen Reading and Inspire Writing.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. September 2011.

Giorgi, D. “Wall Talk Strategy.” Pan American International High School. Queens, NY. December 2011.

Gningue, S. M., Libfeld, S. & Peach, R. “Student-centered Teaching, Teacher Leadership Development and Student Success: The Mathematics Teacher Transformation Institutes (MTTI).” Math and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference. Washington, DC. January 2012.

Gningue, S., Peach, R., & Gottlieb, J. “A Study of the Stages of Mathematics Teacher Leadership Development.” NCTM Annual Research Pre-session Conference. Indianapolis, IN. April 2011.

Gningue, S., Peach, R., & Gottlieb, J. “The Relationship between Initial Teacher-leadership Self-efficacy and Leadership Roles for Second-stage Math Teachers.” Annual AERA Conference. New Orleans, LA. April 2011.

Gningue, S., Peach, R., & Libfeld, S. “Student-Centered Teaching, Teacher Leadership Development, and Student Success: The Mathematics Teacher Transformation Institute.” Math Science Partnership Annual Conference. National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. January 2011.

Gningue, S. M., Peach, R., & Schroder. B. “Developing Effective Math Teaching: Assessing Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and Student Success.”  Math and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference. Washington, DC. January 2012.

Gningue, S. M., Peach, R., & Schroder, B. “Math Content Knowledge May Not Be Enough for the Development of Math Teacher Leadership.”  American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, Canada. April 2012.

Gningue, S. M., Peach, R., & Schroder, B. “The Development of Math Teacher Leadership: A Pre-Post Analysis of a Three-Stage Model.”  American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, Canada. April 2012.

Gordon, E. "Bend, Meld, Weave: Problem Solving through Genre." National Council of English Teachers (NCTE). Chicago, IL. November 2011

Gordon, E. “Classroom Publishing.” Keynote address. Wordstock for Teachers. Portland, OR. October 2010.

Gordon, E. "Literacy Learning with the Incarcerated: Implications for English Educators." Conference in English Education (CEE). New York, NY June 2011.

Koffler-Wise, A., Thompson, S. “Building Argument from a World of Text.” Network CFN 404. August 2011.

Koffler-Wise, A., Thompson, S. “The Uncommon Core: Creative Approaches to Working with Narrative, Argument and Informational Text.” NYCWP Advanced Institute. Lehman College, Bronx, NY. April - July 2012.

Libfeld, S. "The NYS Common Core Learning Standards and its Implications for ELL Students." NYC Department of Education Annual ELL Conference. Fordham University. Bronx NY. June 2011.

Libfeld, S. & Schwarz, R. “Worthwhile Tasks and Performance Based Assessments.” New York State Association of Mathematics Supervisors 7th Annual Leadership Summit, Leading the Way to the Core: Implement, Assess, Support Highly Effective Mathematics Teaching. Tarrytown, NY. September 2011.

Lott, E. “Fun-tastic Fractions! (3-5).” New York City Mathematics Project 21st Annual Conference: Problem Solving No Problem! Lehman College. Bronx, NY. March 2012.

Lott, E. “Let’s Get Mental with Math (K-3).” New York City Mathematics Project 21st Annual Conference: Problem Solving No Problem! Lehman College. Bronx, NY. March 2012.

Osterman, E. “Language and Learning Workshop Series: Advanced Reading and Writing.” Bronx International High School. Bronx, NY. September 2011-May 2012.

Osterman, E., “Revisiting the Independent Reading Program.” ELLIS Preparatory Academy.  New York, NY. November - December 2011.

Osterman, E. (with Melanie Hammer, Long Island Writing Project). “Supporting Teachers to Learn from Student Work.” Conference of the Empire State Writing Project Network. Albany, NY. March 2011.

Raffaele, G. “English Language Learners at Flushing International High School.” Congressional Briefing: Discussion on Second Language Learners and Immigrant Students. Washington D.C. May 2011.

Raffaele, G. (with Cherry, C. & Clarke T.) “Youth Voices: An Introduction to an Online Community for Students and Teachers.” NYCWP Teacher to Teacher Conference. Lehman College. Bronx, NY. June 2012.

Rausse, B. “Assessing Students’ Math Abilities.” Hostos Community College Annual GED Day. Bronx, NY. February 2012.

Schwarz, R. “Brain Research: Keeping ELLs in Mind.” NYCDOE Office of English Language Learners. New York, NY. April, May, June 2011.

Schwarz, R. “Common Core State Standards in Math.” America’s Choice Conference. Poughkeepsie, NY. April 2011.

Schwarz, R. “How Standards and Assessments in Math Are Changing with the CCSS.” GraduateNYC Citywide Launch Event. February 2011.

Schwarz, R. “Multiplying Vocabulary: Strategies to Expand English Language Learners' Academic Language in Mathematics.” NYC Department of Education Annual ELL Conference. Fordham University. Bronx NY. June 2011.

Schwarz, R. “Performance Tasks in the Math Classroom (3-5 and 6-12).” New York City Mathematics Project 21st Annual Conference: Problem Solving No Problem! Lehman College. Bronx, NY. March 2012.

Thompson, S. “Motivating our Students to Write: an 8-Session Series of Experiential Workshops on the Teaching of Writing.” Sunset Park High School. Brooklyn, NY. February - May 2012.

Thompson, S. “Writing for Voice, Power, and Understanding: An 8-Session Series of Experiential Workshops on the Teaching of Writing.” Bushwick Leaders High School for Academic Excellence. Brooklyn, NY. February - May 2012.

Wasserman, P. & Ellowitch, A. “The Adult Learning Center College Transition Program.” New York State Education Department's Post-Secondary Transition Conference. Albany, NY. November 2010.

Wolfe, M. "First Year Writing Program: Writing for Publication." Faculty Development Retreat sponsored by the St. John's University Institute for Writing Studies. Queens, NY. July 2011.

Wolfe, M. "Professional Development and Teacher Quality." Assessing Teaching Improving Learning: A Convening Sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Washington, DC. October 2011.

Wolfe, M. “Writing Across the Curriculum at Lehman College.” Lehman College Workshop for New Faculty. October 2010.

Wolfe, M. “Writing and Quantitative Reasoning.” Lehman College Quantitative Reasoning Faculty Development Workshop. April 2011.

Wolfe, M. & Schmidt, T. "Academic Writing in the Majors: What Do Students Need to Know?" Sponsored by Lehman College School of Arts & Humanities. Bronx, NY. March 2012.


Upcoming Conferences

The New York City Writing Project's 15th Annual Teacher-to-Teacher Conference: The Best of Both Worlds - Finding Fun in a CCLS World
April 27th, 2013

Keynote speakers: Peter Elbow and Katherine Schulten

Peter Elbow, author of Writing with Power, A Community of Writers, and Everyone Can Write, will lead the first keynote workshop. Katherine Schulten, editor of the NY Times Learning Network, will lead the second keynote workshop.

View our flyer here.

The New York City Mathematics Project's 22nd Annual Conference: Taking the "Core" to Task
May 4th, 2013

Keynote speaker: Andy Clark

Andy Clark is a national speaker and consulting author on Math in Focus, helping to bring the Singapore Mathematics Curriculum to the United States. Formerly he was the K-12 Math Director for Portland Public Schools. He has taught all levels of the K-12 system and has conducted professional development in more than 30 states.

Professional Development Institutes

The NYC Writing Project is excited to announce its 2013 Summer Institute, which will provide opportunities for NYC educators to engage with other educators from around the city on matters of practice, leadership, writing and community. If you are interested in developing a workshop, please click here for more information [PDF]. If you are interested in attending, please contact

Tech Opportunities

Tech Thursday Meetings

A group of NYCWP teachers meets every other Thursday at the Baccalaureate School for Global Education in Astoria, NY to build curriculum using the Youth Voices social-networking platform as a place for their students to share writing and multi-media creations. Participation is open to any interested NYC Writing Project teacher. Contact: Paul Allison,

Teachers Teaching Teachers Webcast

Every Wednesday at 9:00 pm Eastern time, teachers from across the country sign-on to for Teachers Teaching Teachers, a live webcast about education and technology hosted by the NYCWP. Conversations focus on effective classroom practices and on improving teachers’ knowledge and use of new media. These conversations are preserved as podcasts and posted at Contact: Paul Allison,