Courses matching your search criteria

Foundations Of Health (HEA 249)

Code: ZM01 - 56394
Days: Sa
Time: 12:00PM - 2:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: T YOM

Motor Learning (EXS 316)

Code: R01 - 56259
Days: Th
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: A ALTO

Health Counseling (HEA 320)

Code: XH81 - 56429
Days: Th
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: D STROM

Selected Topics In Recreation (REC 360)

Code: Q01 - 57119
Days: T
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: E ADAMS

Admin Of Recreation Services (REC 401)

Code: 01 - 57083
Days: M
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: E ADAMS
Code: XM81 - 57085
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: E ADAMS

Exercise Physiology Ii (EXS 423)

Code: XW81 - 56264
Days: W
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: A ALTO

Proc&tech-therap Rec (REC 425)

Code: XT81 - 57087
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232

Adv Motor Lrning & Performance (EXS 616)

Code: R01 - 57111
Days: Th
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Apex 232 AP-232
Instructor: A ALTO