Reading and Thinking Questions 02 


Russia's people: demographics, religions, ethnic identity




NOTE: The Study Questions are to help you think about the material, and you do not submit your answers to these questions. 

Your Daily Essay is a special question and you submit your written response.


As you read the textbook, reflect on these questions:

*         How can the geographical location of a country change?

*         Why is the distinction between nationality and citizenship important? What is the situation in the US (e.g., what is the citizenship and nationality of someone born in the US)?

*         Where are the lost Russians and why are they lost?

*         Is Russia a European or an Asian country? Or both? Why is this important - to Russia?

*         What is a state ideology? Is there now a state ideology in Russia? What happened to the previous ideologies of Russia? Is there a state ideology in the US? If so, how to describe it? If not, what do we have instead?


In studying the suggested materials on the internet, consider these questions:

*         What are the major ethnic or national groups that comprise Russia? How many different languages exist in the RF? What are the areas of population density, the areas that are least populated?

*         Look at the map "Russian Nationalities" (Click Here) (it is also in the textbook, page 122-123, and in COURSE DOCUMENTS) and note the location of the national groups and the ethnic composition of the national territories.  Compare the size of the national, ethnic population with the size of the Russian population in these territories.

*         What is the proportion of urban population to rural? What are the major cities of Russia?

*         Describe the relations between the major religions in Russia.  What is the relationship between religions and ethnic or national groups? What are the political and/or economic consequences of being a minority in Russia? How does the Russian situation with minorities compare to the situation in the US?





Write a brief essay on what it means (or has meant) to be a minority in Russia. Choose at least two elements that have been particularly significant for the life of these minorities - and you can focus on one particular ethnic group or treat several. Consider the relationship of these groups to the majority, especially in terms of demographic trends. In any case, give specific examples to illustrate your points. In conclusion, compare the situation of minorities in Russia to those in the US.


Write about 500 words, which is two pages, double spaced 12 pt. Send the essay to me via the Assignment Collector or as an e-mail attachment by the deadline.