Leonard Lief Library will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Birthday
24/7 Chat and electronic resources will remain available
Information about what databases and journals are available, and how to find them.
Find ebooks across a wide variety of subjects.
Information about borrowing books, laptops, chargers, iPads, and Calculators
To facilitate student access to course materials, many items are available on reserve, either electronically or as print textbooks.
Students, faculty, and staff can borrow books that are not available at the Leonard Lief Library.
Lehman's librarians have created hundreds of guides with information and links to library resources for all subjects taught at Lehman.
The Leonard Lief Library has a wide variety of archival and special collections focusing on the history of Lehman College and the Bronx.
Several library collections and exhibits have been digitzed. That material is available on our Online Digital Collections page.
The Leonard Lief Library at Lehman College is a U.S. Federal Depository.
Explore our electronic collection of Masters Theses.
Lehman College has a noted Education Collection, which also includes a large children's book section.
Our periodicals collection contains back issues of journals in print and on microfilm.