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For information about The Bertrand Russell Society, follow this link. To view past activities of the Russell Society use this link.

Mind will celebrate the 100th anniversary of 'On Denoting' by publishing a specical centenary issue devoted to that essay this coming November. This essay by Bertrand Russell is probably the most important article in philosophy of the 20th century. Follow the link above to view the table of contents of this special issue of Mind.

You can join russell-l, the online Bertrand Russell discussion group, by following this link.

Tables of Contents for back issues of the Russell Quarterly from 1995 and 1996 can be found at this link. They give a nice view of some of the history of this journal.

The Bertrand Russell Archives, at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, is the world center of Russell studies. Visit their website to see everything they are up to these days.

The Russell Research Centre, also at McMaster University, oversees the editing of The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, The Collected Letters of Bertrand Russell, and the journal Russell. Visit their website to keep track of all their activities.

BRS Quarterly contributor Jan Dejnožka has argued, in Bertrand Russell on Modality and Logical Relevance, that Russell had an implicit modal logic. His website, at the link above, provides further details. Also at his site is a new article, 'Russell's Modified Realism', which summarizes his views on Russell in his earlier book The Ontology of the Analytic Tradition and Its Origins.

Visit Rashid bin Muhammad's Bertrand Russell webpage for a good short bio and chronology of Russell's life and good set of links to some of Russell's texts. Also check out Rashid's general philosophy page for a good set of links to philosophy web resources.