Faculty Recognition Awards

Duane Tananbaum (Service) 2011

Tananbaum_000Duane Tananbaum has been a fixture in faculty governance for the past decade and a half. He has played an active role on many important bodies, including the 80th Anniversary Committee, the Center for Human Rights and Peace Studies steering committee, and the WAC advisory committee, in addition to playing an active role in History Department faculty meetings. As chair of the Senate Governance Committee and the Committee on Academic Structure, he has brought different voices together to clarify the college’s priorities, and as Senate Parliamentarian, he assures that these voices express themselves with due regard for proper procedure. Last but not least, he has continued his active service to the local chapter of the PSC CUNY, most recently as chapter secretary.

Marie Marianetti (Teaching) 2010

marianetti_007Marie Marianetti teaches the History of the Ancient World and Classical Mythology in the History Department. If, as the saying goes, “the past is a foreign country,” the ancient world is a different planet—and for the more than fifteen years Marie has been doing an exceptional job of bringing that subject down to earth for Lehman’s history majors and general education student. She consistently earns the highest teaching evaluations in the department, and students praise her tough love, high standards, intimate knowledge of the material, and genuine love of the topic.