Faculty Sebastian Rojas

Sebastian-Rojas-Villa E-mail address: sebastian.rojasvilla@lehman.cuny.edu
Phone Number:
Office: Davis Hall 236
Rank: Lecturer Doctoral

  • B.S. University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France;
  • M.S., Ph.D., University of Rochester, Rochester, NY;
  • Postdoctoral Training: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.

My research background is in genetics and developmental biology. My doctoral and postdoctoral work focused on using simple organisms (C. elegans and D. melanogaster) as research models to understand highly conserved biological processes, such as cell migration and stem cell differentiation. As a Lecturer I do not maintain an active research laboratory, however I am interested in pedagogical research and developing new active learning strategies to help with student’s success. I am also the advisor for the biology club, a student led organization that facilitates network opportunities while providing a friendly environment for our students.

  • Rojas Villa, S.E., F.W. Meng, and B. Biteau. "zfh2 controls progenitor cell activation and differentiation in the adult Drosophila intestinal absorptive lineage." PLoS Genetics, 2019. 15(12): p. e1008553

  • Meng, F. W., Rojas Villa, S.E and B. Biteau. "Sox100B Regulates Progenitor-Specific Gene Expression and Cell Differentiation in the Adult Drosophila Intestine." Stem Cell Reports, 2020 14(2): 226-240