School of Natural & Social Sciences
Department of School of Natural And Social Sciences
Science Hall, Room 1403
The Science of Teaching and Learning: A Human Endeavor
Vision and Mission
The science of teaching and learning is an emerging field of study that has the potential to transform education. Using new tools from multidisciplinary fields such as neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and behavioral economics, it has become possible to create a bridge between scientific research and educational practices. By focusing on the brain as an adaptable organ of teaching and learning and by studying factors that could reshape the brain, we envision that educational practices could change such that the learner becomes a willing partner in the process of learning and chooses to exert the necessary effort to learn. Through biannual seminars sponsored by the school of natural and social sciences (SNSS), our mission is to bring the current research in the emerging field of neuroeducation to Lehman College to inform and to stimulate discussions on the topic that could lead to best practices in our classrooms.
- Pamela Mills, Professor and Dean of the School of Natural and Social Sciences
- Maryam Bamshad, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
- Steven J Holochwost, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
- Columba de la Parra, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Brittany N. Fox-Williams, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Science of Teaching and Learning Seminar Series
- Spring 2024 - Iheoma U. Iruka, Founding Director, Equity Research Action Coalition, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NSS Seminar Announcement and Abstract)
- Fall 2022 - Bruce J. Ellis, Professor of Psychology and Anthropology at the University of Utah
Hidden Talents in Harsh Environments (Announcement and Abstract) - Fall 2021 - Mariale M. Hardiman, Ed.D., Professor at the Johns Hopkins University of Education and Director of the Johns Hopkins University Neuro-Education Initiative
Why Neuroeducation Matters: The Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model for 21st Century Learning (Announcement), (Abstract) - Spring 2021 - Steven J. Holochwost, Associate Professor of Psychology, Lehman College, CUNY
Adversity, Stress and Learning: The Role of Neurophysiological Function, (Abstract)
Contact Us

Professor, Biological Sciences