Tiffany DeJaynes
Associate Professor and Coordinator, Graduate Program in English Education
Middle & High School Education


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Dr. Tiffany DeJaynes is an Associate Professor and Coordinator of English Education in the Department of Middle & High School Education (MHSE), School of Education, at Lehman College, CUNY. She holds an Ed.D. from Teachers College, Columbia University, an M.A. from the University of Kansas, and a B.A. from William Jewell College.

Her research focuses on youth inquiry, civic engagement, and multimodal literacy practices. She currently edits a column for the English Journal called “Reimagining Research” and is working on a book titled, Researching with Youth: Curriculum, Community, and Civic Engagement, co-authored with teacher colleagues and youth.

Dr. DeJaynes leads clinical initiatives for MHSE and serves the School of Education as Director of the Center for School-College Collaboratives. She is currently PI on the NYS Science Technology Entry Program (STEP) grant, the US Dept of Education Student Support Services-Careers in Teaching grant, an NYC Dept of Youth & Community Development (DYCD) COMPASS-High grant, and co-PI on the NSF Noyce-Framework on the Continuum that Unifies and Strengthens STEM (Focus-On -STEM)

Before joining Lehman College, Dr. DeJaynes taught middle and high school in Brooklyn and Queens, and coached literacy teachers in Kansas City and the Bronx.

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