Our Team
Maria-Isabel Roldos-Prosser
Associate Professor, Director - CUNY Institute For Health Equity
Dr. Maria-Isabel Roldós-Prosser, DrPH
Institute Director
Associate Professor
School of Health Sciences, Human Services & Nursing | Lehman College
Judith Aponte, PhD, RN, CNE, CDCES, CCM, PHNA-BC, FAAN
Scientific Research Associate Director
Associate Professor & Coordinator of Community and Public Health Nursing MS Program
Hunter College | Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing
Jaye Jones, PhD
Capacity Building Associate Director
Director, Student Support Services Programs
Division of Student Affairs - Shuster 204
Lehman College - CUNY
John Orazem, PhD
Data Analytics & Knowledge-Transfer Associate Director:
Adjunct Professor and Biostatistician
Department of Health Sciences
Lehman College
Affiliated Faculty
The Affiliate Faculty of the CUNY Institute for Health Equity is comprised of faculty members that represent various departments and schools from across the City University of New York - CUNY-wide system. The role of the Affiliate Faculty is to offer knowledge and experience that enhances CIHE programing, support the mission of the Institute and participate of the implementation of the Strategic Plan. CIHE’s focus is on the social determinants that create disparities, applied research, community capacity building research and projects, and in the translation of evidence-based programs, interventions and policies in community-settings.

Dean, Professor, Health Equity, Administration, and Technology (HEAT), School of Health Sciences, Human Services, and Nursing

Department Chair, Health Promotion and Nutrition Sciences (HPNS)

Professor and Chair, Biological Sciences

Judith Aponte, PhD, RN, CDE, CCM, APHN-BC, FAAN
Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Hunter College

Associate Professor, Psychology
Research: Developmental; Youth mental health, stress, and impact of stigma. Courses; Child Psych, Statistical Methods in Psych, Experimental Psych.

Associate Professor, Nutrition, Health Promotion and Nutrition Sciences (HPNS)

Assistant Professor, Psychology
Research: Environmental; Psychosocial and contextual factors of health and well being. Courses: Environmental Psych, Experimental Psych, Health Psych.
Deputy Chair, Assistant Professor, Program Director - Recreation Education, Exercise Sciences and Recreation
Director of Bilingual Extension and Study Abroad/ Assistant Professor, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences

Professor, Latin American & Latino Studies (on fellowship leave in 2024-2025 academic year), Latin American & Latino Studies

Assistant Professor, Health Equity, Administration, and Technology (HEAT)

Professor, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences, New York City College of Technology

Associate Professor, Health Equity, Administration, and Technology (HEAT)

Director, Student Support Services Programs

Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy & Management, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy
Adjunct Professor, Department of Community Health & Social Medicine, CUNY School of Medicine
Affiliate Faculty, CUNY Institute for Health Equity

Assistant Professor, Social Work
Assistant Professor,
Director, Healthcare Policy and Management Bachelor of Science,
Department of Health Sciences,
City Tech (NYC College of Technology)/CUNY

Associate Professor, Director - CUNY Institute For Health Equity, Health Equity, Administration, and Technology (HEAT)

Associate Professor, Social Work

Assistant Professor, Health Equity, Administration, and Technology (HEAT)

Associate Professor, Social Work

Assistant Professor,, Health Equity, Administration, and Technology (HEAT)
Contributing Faculty
Contributing Faculty is comprised of faculty members that represent various departments and schools from across the City University of New York system. The role of the Contributing Faculty is to lend expertise and knowledge to special projects when requested.
Maureen Allwood, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
John Jay College
Maureen Becker, PT, DHSc
School of Health and Behavioral Sciences and Professional Programs
York College
Cassandra Dobson, DNSc, MSN, BSN, BC, RN
Associate Professor/Acting Chair
Department of Nursing
Lehman College
Joan Dorn, PhD
Professor and Chair
Department of Community Health and Social Medicine
CUNY School of Medicine
Jacob Eubank, EdD
Assistant Professor
Department of Exercise Sciences and Recreation
Lehman College
Lilitha Samuel
Associate Professor & Graduate Advisor MS Nutrition
Health Sciences
Lehman College
Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS, CSPS, FNSCA
Associate Professor
Department of Health Sciences
Lehman College
Amanda Sisselman-Borgia, PhD, LCSW
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work
Lehman College
Bryan Warde, PhD, LCSW
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work
Lehman College
Maria-Isabel Roldos-Prosser
Associate Professor, Director - CUNY Institute For Health Equity
718-960-6928 - Donate to the Institute