
Marie Marianetti
Academic Interests
Greek and Roman history and archaeology, classical mythology, classical culture, women in antiquity
Ancient fertility cults, Greco-Roman women’s festivals
Selected Publications
- Aristophanes: The Clouds: An Annotated Translation. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1997.
- Religion and Politics in Aristophanes' Clouds.Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien, Olms-Weidmann, Hildescheim, Zurich, and New York, 1992.
Articles, Reviews, and Essays
- “Misogyny in Early Greek Literature,” Womens Studies Review (2002).
- "Socratic Mystery-Parody and the Issue of ASEBEIA in Aristophanes' Clouds," Symbolae Osloenses 68 (1993), 5-31.
Awards and Honors
- Faculty Recognition Award, School of Arts and Humanities (teaching), 2010
- Teacher of the Year, Lehman College, 2014
- Faculty Award for Excellence in Study Abroad, Lehman College, 2019