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Maria-Isabel Roldós:

Maria Isabel Roldos, Jaye Jones, and Jocelyn Rajaballey. The First Steps to Building Research Collaborative Using Strength-Based Assessments and GIS Maps with a Sample of Community-Based Organizations in the Bronx, NY. Health Equity.Jan 2024.66-75.

Roldos, M. I., Orazem, J., & Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2023). Longitudinal trends (2011-2020) of premature mortality and years of potential life loss (YPLL) and associated covariates of the 62 New York State counties. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22(1), 89. PMID: 37193975

Aponte J, Roldos MI. National Institutes of Health R-series Grants portfolio of racism and healthcare, 2017-2022. BMC Public Health. 2023 Dec 14;23(1):2511.

Roldos, Maria Isabel., Farhat, T. & Gomez, M.(2023) Disparities in violent fatal injury among racial and ethnic minorities, 2009-2019: a portfolio analysis of United States-National Institutes of Health. Journal Public Health Policy 44, 386-399

Roldos, Maria Isabel., Burt, K., Eubank J. (2022), Lessons to build an educational model for Higher Education Institutions defined as Anchor Institutions to tackle public health crises. A pilot study on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among faculty and students in Hebert L. College in the Bronx, NY." Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, (1)1

Valcarel, Andres; Roldos, Maria-Isabel; and Aponte, Judith (2022) "Lessons from Health, Health Care, and Health Disparities Among Latinx Populations Scientific Panel, in New York City-2021," Journal of Educational Leadership in Action: Vol. 8: Iss. 2, Article 5

Roldos, Maria-Isabel, Breen, Nancy (2021). Using economic evaluation to hasten health equity, Journal of Health Equity 5:1, 627-632

Roldos, Maria-Isabel, Farhat, T., & Moehlman, T. (2020). NIH portfolio of unintentional injury research among racial and ethnic minority children: current landscape and future opportunities. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 1-11.

Roldos Maria Isabel, Farhat Tilda (2019) Inadequate Data Limit the Analysis of Health Disparities and Causes: A Call for Research on Youth Interpersonal Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. In press

Daniel T, Roldos MI (2019) The Effect of Housing Instability on Risky Sexual Behavior and HIV and STIs for a Sample of African American Sero-Discordant Couples. Journal Community Medicine Public Health Care 6: 043.

Walcott Rebecca L, Murcia Angela M, Berry Gloria M, Juna Christian F, Roldos Maria Isabel, Corso Phaedra S (2018) The impact of nursing students on the health-related quality of life and perceived social support of a rural population in Ecuador: effects of a service-based learning course. International Journal for Equity in Health 17:16

Roldos Maria Isabel, Espinosa Isabel, Kulkarni A, Pillsbury M, Pavelyev, Monsanto H, Guarin, Cashat (2017), Cost-effectiveness of the comparison of a two-dose versus four-dose bivalent and cuadrivalent vaccine058*-s to the economic burden of genital warts caused by HPV. International STD Research and Reviews, 6(1): 1-8

Roldos, Maria Isabel., Hopenhayn, C., Sacoto, F., & Bustamante, K. (2017). Developing local health policy: Profiling needs and opportunities in the Municipality of Quito, Ecuador. Journal of Public Health Policy, 1-13.

Roldos Maria Isabel, Corso Phaedra, Ingels Justin (2017), How much are Ecuadorians Willing to Pay to Reduce Maternal Mortality? Results from a Pilot Study on Contingent Valuation, International Journal of MCH and AIDS, Volume 6, Issue 1, 1-8

Roldos Maria Isabel, Bustamante Vanessa (2016) Lessons learned from collecting cost data from physicians for economic evaluations: Two methods compared, International Journal of Pediatric Research, 2:15, Volume 2, Issue 1

Roldos Maria Isabel (2015), "The Longitudinal Effect Of Drug Use On Productivity Status Of Nonmetropolitan African American Young Adults", Journal of Drug Use Education.

Roldos M. Isabel, B. Vanessa (2014). Consensus of clinical practices and associated costs to diagnose and treat genital warts caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) in Ecuador: results from a panel of experts. Journal of Health Sport and Tourism, 5(1), 11-18.

Roldos Maria Isabel, Noonan Rita K., Beattie Lynn (2013) "Strengthening the role of caregivers in promoting fall risk screening for older adults during the annual wellness visit, Perspectives of Public Health, Vol. 133 no. 5 246-247

Corso Phaedra, Ingels Justin, Roldos Maria Isabel (2013) A Comparison of Willingness to Pay to Prevent Child Maltreatment Deaths in Ecuador and the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(4):1342-1355.

Roldos Maria Isabel, Corso Phaedra (2013) The 2012 economic burden of intimate partnerViolence (IPV) in Ecuador: Setting the agenda for future research and violence prevention policies, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. August; 14(4): 347-353.

Cruz Gustavo D.M.D., M.P.H, Roldos Isabel M.P.A; Puerta Diva., Salazar Christian M.P.H (2005) Community-based, culturally appropriate oral health promotion program for immigrant pregnant women in New York City. N Y State Dental Journal. 71(7): 34-8

Judith Aponte:

Aponte J, Brennan NB, Figueroa K, Diaz L. (2023). COVID-19 survey among NYC non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic/Latino adults with diabetes. Public Health Nurse. PMID: 36726349

Aponte, J., Tejada, K., & Figueroa, K. (2023). What Are the English to Spanish Translation Methods Used on Written Health-Related Information?. Research and theory for nursing practice, RTNP-2023-0017.R1. Advance online publication.

Aponte, J., & Roldos, M. I. (2023). National Institutes of Health R-series Grants portfolio of racism and healthcare, 2017-2022. BMC public health, 23(1), 2511.

Aponte, J., Figueroa, K., Brennan, N. B., Diaz, L. & Samuels, W. E. (in press). Health and racial disparities, importance of accurate and reliable ethnicity, race and language data. Hispanich health care international nursing.

Aponte, J. (2019). Demographics, A1C Testing, and Medication Use of Mexican Americans and Mexicans With Diabetes. The Diabetes Educator, 45(2), 155-163. doi: 0145721718825354.

Aponte, J. Tejada, K.*, & Acosta-Melo, M.* (2017). Literature Review on Diabetes Internet-based Spanish Language Information. Current Diabetes Reviews. doi:10.2174/1573399813666170315103006.

Aponte, J., Jackson, T., Wyka, K, & Ikechi, C. (2017). Health Effectiveness of Community Health Workers as a Diabetes Self-Management Intervention. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research. doi: 10.1177/1479164117696229.

Aponte, J. & Nokes, K. (2017). Validating Scale for Electronic Health Literacy in an Older Hispanic Population. Journal of Clinical Nursing. doi:10.1111/jocn.13763.

John Orazem:

Jozo Grgic, Brad J. Schoenfeld, John Orazem, and Filip Sabol (2021), Effects of resistance training performed to repetition failure or non-failure on muscular strength and hypertrophy: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Sport and Health Science. Article in press.

Daniel F. Alvarez, Gertjan Wolbink, Carol Cronenberger, John Orazem, and Jonathan Kay, Interchangeability of Biosimilars: What Level of Clinical Evidence is Needed to Support the Interchangeability Designation in the United States? (2020), BioDrugs, 34, 723-732.

Grgic J, Garofolini A, Orazem J, Sabol F, Schoenfeld BJ, Pedisic Z. (2020). Effects of Resistance Training on Muscle Size and Strength in Very Elderly Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Sports Med. 50:1983-99.

Linda Scheetz and John Orazem (2020), The influence of sociodemographic factors on trauma center transport for severely injured older adults, Health Serv Res.;55:411-418.

Steven Soroka, Mohsen Agharazii, Sandra Donnelly, Louise Roy, Norman Muirhead, Serge Cournoyer, Martin MacKinnon, Neesh Pannu, Brendan Barrett, Francois Madore, Karthik Tennankore, Jo-Anne Wilson, Fiona Hilton, Nancy Sherman, Kevin Wolter, John Orazem, and Guillaume Feugere (2018), An Adjustable Dalteparin Sodium Dose Regimen for the Prevention of Clotting in the Extracorporeal Circuit in Hemodialysis: A Clinical Trial of Safety and Efficacy (the PARROT Study), Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, vol. 5: 1-12.

Sharon B. Wigal, PhD Ann Childress, MD Sally A. Berry, MD, PhD, Heidi Belden, PharmD, Faith Walters, PharmD, Phillip Chappell, MD, Nancy Sherman, BA, John Orazem, PhD and Donna Palumbo, PhD (2017), Efficacy and Safety of a Chewable Methylphenidate Extended-Release Tablet in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol, 27(8): 690-699.

Chandra RS, Orazem J, Ubben D, Duparc S, Robbins J, Vandenbroucke P. (2013). Creative solutions to extraordinary challenges in clinical trials: methodology of a phase III trial of azithromycin and chloroquine fixed-dose combination in pregnant women in Africa. Malaria J. Apr 11;12:122.

Martin Downing:

Downing, M. J., Jr., Benoit, E., Brown, D., Coe, L., Hirshfield, S., Pansulla, L., & Carballo-Dieguez, A. (2020). Early sexual experiences, mental health, and risk behavior among Black non-Hispanic and Hispanic / Latino men who have sex with men (MSM). Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 29(1), 41-61.

Downing, M. J., Jr., Millar, B. M., & Hirshfield, S. (2020). Changes in sleep quality and associated health outcomes among gay and bisexual men living with HIV. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 18(3), 406-419.

Hirshfield, S., Downing, M. J., Jr., Chiasson, M. A., Yoon, I. S., Houang, S. T., Teran, R. A., Grov, C., Sullivan, P. S., Gordon, R. J., Hoover, D. R., & Parsons, J. T. (2019). Evaluation of Sex Positive! A video eHealth intervention for men living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 23, 3103-3118.

De, P., Downing, M. J., Jr., & Hirshfield, S. (2018). Cost analysis of implementing a video-based ehealth intervention for HIV-positive gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 30(4), 211-218.

Hirshfield, S., Downing, M. J., Jr., Horvath, K.J., Swartz, J. A., & Chiasson, M. A. (2018). Adapting Andersen's behavioral model of health service use to examine risk factors for hypertension among U.S. MSM. American Journal of Men's Health, 12(4), 788-797.

Wilton, L., Chiasson, M. A., Nandi, V., Lelutiu-Weinberger, C., Frye, V., Hirshfield, S., Hoover, D. R., Downing, M. J., Jr., Lucy, D., Usher, D., & Koblin, B. (2018). Characteristics and correlates of lifetime suicidal thoughts and attempts among young Black men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women. Journal of Black Psychology, 44(3), 273-290.

Schrimshaw, E. W., Downing, M. J., Jr., & Cohn, D. J. (2018). Reasons for non-disclosure of sexual orientation among behaviorally-bisexual men: Non-disclosure as stigma management. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(1), 219-233.

Downing, M. J., Jr., Schrimshaw, E. W., Scheinmann, R., Antebi-Gruszka, N., & Hirshfield, S. (2017). Sexually explicit media use by sexual identity: A comparative analysis of gay, bisexual, and heterosexual men in the United States. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(6), 1763-1776.

Downing, M. J., Jr., Houang, S. T., Scheinmann, R., Yoon, I. S., Chiasson, M. A., & Hirshfield, S. (2016). Engagement in care, psychological distress, and resilience are associated with sleep quality among HIV-positive gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Sleep Health, 2, 322-329.

Benoit, E., & Downing, M. J., Jr. (2013). Childhood sexual experiences among substance-using non-gay identified Black men who have sex with men and women. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(9), 679-690.

Jacob Eubank:

Eubank, J.M., & Pegues, M.M. (2023). Resilience through recreation: How college students' recreational behavior at a Hispanic-serving institution in New York City mediated negative emotions after the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns, 4(1), 192-209. DOI: 10.53016/jerp.v4i1.103.

Eubank, J.M., & DeVita, J.M. (2023). Building sense of belonging through informal recreation participation. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/1937156X.2023.2166434.

Roldos, M.I., Burt, K.G., & Eubank, J.M. (2022). Lessons to build an educational model for higher education institutions defined as anchor institutions to tackle public health crises: A pilot study on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among faculty and students in Herbert L. College in the Bronx, NY. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. DOI: 10.1177/15381927221099091.

Burt, K.G., Eubank, J.M., & Orazem, J. (2022). Female black, indigenous, and students of color demonstrate greater resilience than other students during a global pandemic. Equity in Education & Society, 1(2), 202-215. DOI: 10.1177/27526461221105094.

Eubank, J.M., Oberlin, D., Alto, A., Sahyoun, N., Asongwed, E., Monroe-Lord, L., & Harrison, E. (2022). Effects of lifestyle factors on cognition in Minority population of older adults: A review. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9. DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2022.841070.

Eubank, J.M. & DeVita, J.M. (2021). Informal recreation's relationship with college student stress and anxiety. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(5), 560-573. DOI: 10.1080/19496591.2020.1822854.

Katherine Ann Gregory:

Gregory, K. (2020). . International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 19, 1-9.

Gregory, K. (2020).
Coding and Analysis: Deciding on Software Needs. Becoming a Practitioner-Researcher: A Practical Guide for Information Professionals. Lee Ann Fullington, Brandon K. West, and Frans Albarillo (eds) Chicago: ACRL publisher.

Gregory, K. (2019). Contestable Kinship: User Experience and Engagement on DTC Genetic Testing Sites. New Genetics and Society, 1-23. doi: 10.1080/14636778.2019.1677148

Gregory, K. (2019). Lessons of a Failed Study: Lone Researcher, Media Analysis, and the Limitations of Backeting. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18.

Gregory, K., (2018). Online Communication Settings and the Qualitative Research Process: Acclimating Students and Novice Researchers. Qualitative Health Research, 28 (10), 1610-1620.

Lane, K., Wheeler, K., Charles-Guzman, K., Ahmed, M., Blum, M., Gregory, K., Graber, N., Clark, N., Matte, T. (2014). Extreme Heat Awareness and Protective Behaviors in New York City. Journal of Urban Health, 91(3): 403-414.

Jaye Jones:

Jones, J. (2019). Critical Literacy, community and change among women of color adult literacy learners. New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education, 164, 49-58.

Ramdeholl, D., & Jones, J. (2018). What is the color of air? Teaching/learning positionality in higher education. In S. Brookfield (Ed.), Teaching race: How to help students unmask and challenge racism (pp. 233-252). New York: Wiley.

Jones, J. (2020). "They just don't invest in those students..." Adult literacy education and the shift to workforce development: Conversations with veteran educators in the US. Proceedings of Adult Education in Global Times: An International Research Conference (AEGT 2020) (pp. 333- 338). University of British of Columbia.

J. Robin Moon:

Moon, J. R., Brearley, A. M., & Toure, D. M. (2024). " How Communities and Research Institutions Work Together to Dismantle Structural Racism and Advance Health Equity". Journal of Participatory Research Methods, 5(2).

Noemi Rodriguez:

Rodriguez, N. (2022). Addressing a labor market need for health and policy professionals: Development of a non-clinical health science degree program for health policy and management. International Conference on Education, Research, & Innovation, ICERI2022 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1 Lucan, S.C., Maroko, A.R., Abrams, C., Rodriguez, N., Patel, AN., Gjonbalaj, I., Schechter, C.B., & Elbel, B. (2020). Government data versus ground observation for food-environment assessment: Businesses offering food/drink missed by city and state inspections records., Public Health Nutrition 23(8), 1414-1427. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019002982

Martinez, O., Rodriguez, N., Mercurio, A., Bragg, M., Elbel, B. (2018). Supermarket retailers' perspectives on healthy food retail strategies: in-depth interviews. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1019. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5917-4. Martinez O, Tagliaferro B, Rodriguez N, Abrams C, Elbel B. (2018). EBT payment for online grocery orders: A mixed methods study to understand its uptake among SNAP recipients and the barriers to and motivators for its use. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(4):396-402.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2017.10.003. Epub 2017 Nov 26.

Rodriguez, N. (2012). Evaluating the impact of online instruction on lifelong learning skills. Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-695-3491-5. Lucan, S.C., Maroko, A.R., Abrams, C., Rodriguez, N., Patel, AN., Gjonbalaj, I., Schechter, C.B., & Elbel, B. (2020). Government data versus ground observation for food-environment assessment: Businesses offering food/drink missed by city and state inspections records., Public Health Nutrition 23(8), 1414-1427. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019002982

Martinez, O., Rodriguez, N., Mercurio, A., Bragg, M., & Elbel, B. (2018). Supermarket retailers' perspectives on healthy food retail strategies: in-depth interviews. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1019. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5917-4 Martinez, O., Tagliaferro, B., Rodriguez, N., Abrams, C., & Elbel, B. (2018). EBT payment for online grocery orders: A mixed methods study to understand its uptake among SNAP recipients and the barriers to and motivators for its use. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(4), 396-402.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2017.10.003

Rodriguez, N. (2012). Evaluating the impact of online instruction on lifelong learning skills. EDULEARN12 - 4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. International Association for Technology, Education, and Development (IATED). Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-695-3491-5

Bonsignore, K., & Rodriguez, N. (2009). Enhancing program evaluation through curriculum mapping and assessment. International Conference on Education, Research, & Innovation (ICERI) Proceedings. Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-613-2955-7

Eleanore Wurtzel:

Three books published:

Kaijie Zhu, Hongyan Chen, Xuehan Mei, Suwen Lu, Heping Xie, Junwei Liu, Lijun Chai, Qiang Xu, Eleanore T Wurtzel, Junli Ye, Xiuxin Deng (2023) Transcription factor CsMADS3 coordinately regulates chlorophyll and carotenoid pools in Citrus hesperidium. Plant Physiology, kiad300,

Wurtzel, E.T. Preface (2022) Methods in Enzymology Carotenoids: Carotenoid and apocarotenoid analysis biology (ET Wurtzel, Editor), volume 670, Elsevier, p. xvii-xxii.

Wurtzel, E.T. Preface (2022) Methods in Enzymology Carotenoids: Carotenoid and apocarotenoid biosynthesis, metabolic engineering and synthetic biology (ET Wurtzel, Editor) volume 671, Elsevier, p. xxi-xxvi.

Wurtzel, E.T. Preface (2022) Methods in Enzymology Carotenoids: Biological functions of carotenoids and apocarotenoids in natural and artificial systems (ET Wurtzel, Editor) volume 674, Elsevier, p.xvii-xxii.

Eleanore T. Wurtzel (Editor) (2022) Methods in Enzymology Carotenoids: Carotenoid and apocarotenoid analysis, volume 670, Elsevier.

Eleanore T. Wurtzel, Editor (2022) Methods in Enzymology Carotenoids: Carotenoid and apocarotenoid biosynthesis, metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, volume 671, Elsevier.

Eleanore T. Wurtzel, Editor (2022) Methods in Enzymology Carotenoids: Biological functions of carotenoids and apocarotenoids in natural and artificial systems, volume 674. Elsevier.

Cumming, R., Zhu, K., Petraca, J., and Wurtzel, E.T. (2022) Analysis of plant-derived carotenoids in camouflaging stick insects (Phasmatodea) in Methods in Enzymology Carotenoids: Carotenoid and apocarotenoid analysis (ET Wurtzel, editor), volume 670, Elsevier, p. 499-524. []

Selected papers in high impact journals:

Wurtzel ET, Vickers CE, Hanson AD, Millar AH, Cooper M, Voss-Fels KP, Nikel PI, Erb TJ (2019) Revolutionizing agriculture with synthetic biology. Nature Plants 5: 1207-1210.

Wurtzel ET, Kutchan TM (2016) Plant metabolism, the diverse chemistry set of the future. Science 353: 1232-1236.

Beltran J, Kloss B, Hosler JP, Geng J, Liu A, Modi A, Dawson JH, Sono M, Shumskaya M, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Love JD, Wurtzel, ET (2015) Control of carotenoid biosynthesis through a heme-based cis-trans isomerase. Nature Chemical Biology 11(8):598-605.

Moise A, Al-Babili S, Wurtzel ET (2014) Mechanistic aspects of carotenoid synthesis. Chemical Reviews 114:164-193

Harjes CE, Rocheford T, Bai L, Brutnell T, Bermudez-Kandianis C, Sowinski SG, Stapleton AE, Vallabhaneni R, Williams M, Wurtzel ET, Yan J, Buckler ES (2008) Natural genetic variation in Lycopene Epsilon Cyclase tapped for maize biofortification. Science 319:330-333.