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Bilingual Extension 5-12
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Department of Middle and High School Education
Carman Hall, Room B29Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Daniel Stuckart
Interim Chair, Professor and Coordinator, Graduate Program in Social Studies
From the Program Coordinators, Joye Smith and Amanda Moody,
This program is designed for teachers with New York State certification grades 5-12 (any certification area except World Languages or ESOL) who seek a bilingual extension credential to be able to teach their content area in the Home Language and in English.
Program Coordinators

Associate Professor and Co-Coordinator, Graduate Programs in TESOL and Bilingual Extension, Middle & High School Education
Doctoral Lecturer and Co-Coordinator, Graduate Program in TESOL P-12 and Bilingual Extension 5-12
Multilingual Team, Micro-credential for the Multilingual Institute, Middle & High School Education
New York State prides itself in the high quality of its licensed and certified professionals. For the protection of its citizens, each license and certificate has requirements that individuals must meet in order to be licensed or certified in New York State. CUNY’s academic programs leading to licensure or certification are carefully designed to meet and exceed these State requirements. This is a role CUNY plays in protecting the public. Other states frequently have their own requirements, so if your goal is to practice in another state, this disclosure will help you check to see what that state requires.
Per U.S. Federal Regulations, §668.14 and §668.43, and in compliance with the SARA Policy Manual, CUNY Lehman College provides the following disclosure related to the educational requirements for professional licensure and certification.
This Disclosure is strictly limited to the CUNY Lehman College determination of whether this academic program, that if successfully completed, would be sufficient to meet the educational licensure or certification requirements in a State for Teaching. CUNY Lehman College cannot provide verification of an individual’s ability to meet licensure or certification requirements unrelated to its educational programming. Such individual determinations are made by state licensing boards and are fact-specific determinations.
This disclosure does not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny your application. Furthermore, this disclosure does not account for changes in state law or regulation that may affect your application for licensure and occur after this disclosure has been made. Enrolled students and prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact their state’s licensure entity using the links provided to review all licensure and certification requirements imposed by their state(s) of choice.
CUNY Lehman College has determined this academic program curricula, if successfully completed, is sufficient to meet the licensure and certification requirements for an initial teaching certification license in the following states:
New York State: New York State Education Department Teacher Certification
CUNY Lehman College has made no determination that the curricula is insufficient to meet the licensure and certification requirements for initial teaching certification in any of the 50 states and territories. After making all reasonable efforts, CUNY Lehman College cannot determine whether its educational programs curricula for this academic program, if successfully completed, is sufficient to meet the licensure and certification requirements for certification in the following states:
List of states (pdf)
Department of Middle and High School Education
Carman Hall, Room B29Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Daniel Stuckart
Interim Chair, Professor and Coordinator, Graduate Program in Social Studies
718-960-8006 - See all contacts